Raising Money for Good Causes
Each year we aim to raise as much money as possible for local good causes and this year we are thrilled to be raising funds for Lewes Homelink.
Volunteers will be out and about in the town all evening with collecting buckets and you’ll also find collecting tins on shop counters.
Lewes District Churches HOMELINK was set up in the late 1990s in response to rapidly increasing homelessness, to help people who are homeless, or threatened with homelessness, by organising a local interest-free rent deposit scheme.
Homelink’s vision:
- Hope for the homeless
- Openness to all
- Making lives better
- Effectiveness in our work
HOMELINK works in partnership with Lewes District Council (LDC) and other agencies to help those threatened by eviction and homelessness.
They offer interest-free loans to cover the deposit and rent in advance, to help those who LDC has no duty to house into private rented accommodation.
The scheme helps local applicants of all faiths and none who are able to live independently and manage a tenancy
Registered charity number 1174895
Visit the Homelink website for more information.